The Truth always haunts.
Someone posted this on Facebook a little while ago, and it has stuck with me ever since.
Curious. Such a simple statement, I found it incredibly profound. How the truth always haunts. But why?
When I think about truths, I think about all of the wrongs I've committed, all of the "bad" things I have done throughout my life. Funny that the word truth automatically holds connotations of atonement or guilt. Maybe I am going way out on a limb here, but I think that is just the opposite of what truth should mean to people.
So what then?
Okay, you messed up. So have I. A lot. So what?
We all make mistakes don't we? Isn't that part of the point? so that we can find our...wait for it...Truth.
The truth isn't about those haunting memories of things we regret. Truth is what we discover upon experiencing those things. When we do something that is so awful or shameful or embarrassing, well, it sucks, yeah. But let me just throw something at you...It's okay.
We teach our children that making mistakes is part of growing up. It's how we learn to get back up and what we're made of, how to face life head on. We look at their short comings as stepping stones in their journey and try to show them this. But somewhere along the way we forget to remind ourselves of this.
The fact of the matter is, Truth has nothing to do with our past or the things we do. The Truth is far more simple than that.
The Truth beyond perfection, or rather imperfection. The Truth is you already are everything you need to be. Nothing needs to be accomplished or seen or completed. All you need to do to find your Truth as it really is, pure and simple, is to let go.
The Truth is all of these things are part of the experience. That's it. You are here to experience this world and discover who you really are; not just by things that reinforce this idea but especially from things that show you what you are not. Hot from cold and all that.
So maybe from now on we can start giving ourselves a break. Then maybe the truth of it all will be more releasing than haunting. After all, looking back, if I could go back and change anything...I would enjoy the ride a little more.